Friday, April 11, 2008

we're still here

Hello all. We wanted to drop an update into the blogosphere.

We have been overwhelmed by the amount of e-mail and encouragement that has continued in our absence. Thanks to all who have made the effort to let us know that you cared.

In the way of update, Ginny and I are at work in much the same way as we left. Ginny’s pursuits in the jewelry business continue and she is hoping to take her ideas to another level soon with the unveiling of a new direction. I am in my last semester of law school with a few more hours this semester then I would recommend, but the powers that be have promised to let me out upon attaining this magic number of credits. Thus, the schedule reads as follows: finish school, graduation, and then bar exam.

And yes, I am still not thinking I will actually practice law. We’ll see- I’m open. I even still threaten to walk away from school, but this stems mainly from the awkward laughter and concern that this remark conjures up in my wife and friends. What a good woman.

One of the greatest joys has been the realization of a non-profit idea that we had hoped to start. The name of the non-profit is 99 Balloons, Inc. The first activity that we have pursued is a respite night for special needs families to drop off their special needs child along with the siblings. Thus, some parents have been able to receive a long-overdue night off. The name of the night is “rEcess”.

rEcess has provided many highlights, but at the top has been the opportunity to watch others jump in and serve with humility and grace. I can now say that I know a place where Christ is on display each month, and we are humbled to be a part of it. It has become increasingly obvious that the whole thing has nothing to do with Ginny and I; rather, it is much bigger than that.

The website is still under development, but feel free to check it out (

And now we segway into what I will call a letter…

I believe in restoration.

Not too long ago, Fayetteville got our big snow of the year. We pretty much get once a winter to justify the sled in the garage. Previous to what we’ll affectionately call the “winter storm”, I was talking to a friend on the phone who had become aware of the forecasted 6 inches.

.....Aside: We got less than 3 inches which was gone by brunch,, but you must understand that it was our weatherman’s annual shot at being a big-timer- with the exception of delivering the news that a wall cloud might have been spotted near Goshen by Hal, one of the stations weather-watchers. I digress.

I believe in restoration.

On this phone call, my friend was lamenting the future of his almost budded flowers, and how, again, this year’s beauty would be stopped before it began. Now, to my parent’s chagrin, I have never been accused of having a green thumb, and even the manly yearn to mow is foreign to me. So, admittedly, flower-worry was not on my radar when talk of a blizzard began.

Within a week of the whiteout, I had another encounter with lawns and gardens. I am a creature of habit, and pretty much walk Wilson (the dog) on the same route daily. It is upon this route, where I take stock of the neighborhood and busy myself trying to ensure that the dog’s business does not occur in the lawns of neighbors I actually like. Certain aspects along this urban trail do not go unnoticed: my neighbor still does not know that the trash can is only supposed to stay curbside one day a week. Yet another has not received word that his yard is actually not a crap museum.

It’s not all bad on the dog walk. Not having a green thumb does not mean I cannot be green with envy when I see a great yard. You know the one- plush, green, thick. The one we all spy on to confirm our suspicion that the work is hired labor. Somehow makes us feel better if it is.

In our neck of the woods it lies just two blocks away, and is referred to only as “the yard”. I always take stock of this lot and ruminate about how pathetic it is to care so much about grass (it’s my problem, I am working on it). On a recent walk, while deriding the pitiful owner in the secrecy of my mind, I realized that the yard looked terrible. It was dusk, so I gleefully moved closer to examine what had occurred.

Sure enough. The yard was not plush; in fact, it was dead. The secret was out. The lot had been purposely burned down to nothing but charred, black earth.

And that is what Ginny and I have been doing. Learning from life that, although, all that is good can be covered over to the point where no bloom is forthcoming. And all that is for viewing is dead earth where vitality once resided. Herein lies a strange but beautiful recipe for life. Plush, full life.

I have long examined and not concluded why sometimes blooms come back more beautiful than ever, while other blossoms never return. And I can only point to the one who willingly died, that life could take root in me.

I believe in restoration.

PS we’re pregnant.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! Congratulations on all that's going on in your life.

AND on the pregnancy! :)

We'll be praying...


Julie said...

It is so wonderful to read a post from you again... I have thought of your family often! Your rEcess night sounds like a beautiful ministry. Congratulations on the pregnancy... I will also be praying.

Steph said...

so awesome to see what your doing in memory of Eliot. And Congrats on the pregnancy! I am standing in Faith with you that the Lord will watch over ad protect your family!

have a blessed day!

Stephanie Stanley. Worcester, MA

Lori Harper said...

Oh my word!!! I am sooo happy for you both. I was thinking about Elliot last night after hearing about a freind who is having a difficult pregnancy due to chromosome issues. I read your blog every day and prayed and cried with you over sweet little Elliot. Your new ministry sounds amazing! My husband is a minister and we would love to help in any way possible!
Lori Harper
Newhope, Arkansas

Anonymous said...

I have followed your blog for quite some time and periodically come to check it just hoping there is some word from you. Your blog has encouraged me more than you know.
I have three daughters and have never had an experience like yours.Although through your words, so honestly written, I feel that I know a little more about my precious savior and for that I am grateful. I am thrilled at news of the new life growing. I pray God's peace and blessings on you in the days to come and please continue to share. The Lord has given you the gift of being able to share in such an incredible way.
God Bless you three!

Food Chaining said...

God Bless you both. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story and letting us know about your beautiful son Eliot.
I have a link to 99 balloons posted on my blog site.
Sending prayers your way..
A new friend,

Sarah said...

Praying for you still, and so happy to learn you have a child on the way. Every baby is such a gift. I'm certain your little one will bring you joy.

Anxious AF said...

Your story has been such a blessing to me. More than I can say.

Anniesue said...

Thank you so much for the update. I have thought of you and Ginny often and have prayed for you too. Our lives were recently touched by Trisomy 18 when some friends of my parents delivered their precious Jacob ( They recently posted that they had received an Eliot necklace. God bless you and your endeavors as well as your new baby!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! (for the ministry and the baby)!!

olivia and henry said...

what a treat to see a post from you this morning!! i am SO thrilled for you guys. it's great to hear of what the Lord is doing, through all that you listed. i rejoice with you over this new life that He has given. please keep us updated! much love,
angie (dallas, tx.)

Anonymous said...

The help to others in need sounds wonderful.....
prayers it will thrive...
prayers to for you, Ginny and Elliot's new sibling........
and thank you for sharing the wonderful news
it was a great thing to wake up to this morning....

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of you the other day when I wore my Eliot necklace!! Everyone loves it and I often hear the remark "so simple, but so beautiful". I always smile and then tell the meaning :)

I am so happy for you!!! Trust me, I know from experience, this time around might just be more stressful than with Eliot. I will pray for you daily!! Once you hold this baby, all worries will dissappear, but I promise you, you will NEVER lose sight of Eliot. That was my biggest fear on my end, but I promise it doesn't happen.

Keep us updated!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Hartsfield
Mansfield, TX

Luvin' Ewe said...

How WONDERFUL that you are pregnant!
I will add you to our prayers!

Law school doesn't last forever, it only feels like it does.

Sarah said...

The last three words brought tears to my eyes--congratulations, and I'm praying for the three of you as you move forward in restoration. I wish I had better words for this comment, but I'm just so incredibly happy for you that I can't think of any than that!

Yay :)

Anonymous said...

I have followed this and Eliot's blog from almost the beginning. When I recieved notice of an update in my inbox I immediately new something wonderful had happened. I am so happy to hear about 99 balloons and rEcess, only a parent of a special needs child can understand how special and relaxing it is to have safe and loving respite care available. Congratulations on all the upcoming events in your life's!

Claudia said...

I cried while watching your video 99 balloons, but it was a good cry. My daughter was born with many problems and died at 26 months. Every year on her birthday we let off balloons, one for each year of her life. We have continued this tradition to this day (she'd be 24 now) and after my son was born he joined in balloon release. One day Dylan saw a balloon sailing into the sky, and said, "Look Mom, a balloon for Jillian". He thought that's what you did with balloons. Some where some crying child was mourning the loss of their treasured balloon, and my son was celebrating the fact that his sister was getting one. Your life is what perspective you bring into it. We both had children that were born and survived for a time against many odds. It was our decision whether to fall apart and become bitter, or to cherish, love and nuture that time.

Congratulations on the new baby. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. I know I was very nervous with my 2nd pregnancy, but it too was such a wonderful blessing.

Take Care,

Claudia S. Chastain

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Congratulations!!! Praying for all 3 of you:)

Jenny said...

I believe in restoration, too!


Lori said...


Sunshine said...

OH WOW - OH MY GOODNESS - YAY!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing - Praise Him! WOOHOO! Sunshine
PS I think and pray for you guys often and SO thankful for the update!

Chris said...


Beauty rises from the more than one way.

I think both Eliot and God are smiling.

Elizabeth said...

I've followed your story for so long and I am so thrilled about your pregnancy. Congratulations! I will be praying for the ministry and for the next few months-for a healthy, wonderful, blessed pregnancy.

Unknown said...

I have chills running up and down my arms and legs right now and tears are rolling down my cheeks. What a beautiful, restorative Savior we serve!

I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it was to see a post from you. I became so invested when I first found your blog. Please know that we are praying for you and Ginny!
Praising Him in ALL things,

Leslie said...

Wow, I don't even know you guys but I have chills just reading that you are pregnant! Congrats. I've followed Eliot's story for quite some time and have just now actually commented...though I've prayed for you often.

Thank you for always being so open and sharing your story. You will never know how inspirational Eliot is to so many people who don't even know your family.

Polly said...

I'm a (mostly) non-practicing attorney, too. (Ultra part-timer.) Pursue what your heart tells you to and God's leading won't lead your astray!


Millicent said...


Michelle said...

I have followed your blog since the beginning and often pop back in to check for any updates. I am so happy for the 2 of you right now!! Congratulations!!!!

Marc and Charity said...

I'm so glad to see your update- I read often and am thrilled with your news!!! Praying.

Sheila said...


Your respite idea is great.

Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you both....and will be praying!!!!!! Y'all are both such examples to Chris and me. Congrats!

Lindsey (and Chris) Wheeler

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy! What a blessing. I will be praying for you and your wonderful family.

Pam said...

Congratulations! Great to hear news from your neck of the woods and to see God bringing forth new life and new ideas to fruition.

Praying for all of you.

On His Adventure~


Chelsea said...

Eliot's life story was just shared with me through another blog. Thank you for sharing your beautiful little boy with the world and for your undue strength and love for the Lord. Our Heavenly Father will continue to watch over your little boy until you can be with him again.

Congratulations on your pregnancy and many blessings!

77apronstrings said...

Once I followed a link (out of simple curiosity) from the Witschorke's blog to yours and completely fell in love with you guys. I sat reading your blog for hours, moved by your words and your devotion to Christ and your family. I am so completely happy for you guys. Congratulations!

Shannon said...

Congratulations to you both! WOW!
-Shannon in Austin

Anonymous said...

I just ran across your blog several weeks ago, from a link on baby Noah Smurdon's blog. I have spent hours reading and am completely amazed with your family. I can't say how I would handle such a situation as God handed you with your precious baby Eliot...I have never experienced anything like this. But for some certain reason God chose you two to be Eliot's parents. Your love for the Lord and for each other, and the strength you pull from His words completely and utterly amazes me. How lucky Eliot was to have you as his parents. I am a labor and delivery nurse in Indiana, and for some reason my thoughts and prayers have been consumed with your family and baby Noah and his family. I don't know for sure where God is leading me in my nursing career, but I feel He led me to these blogs for a reason. I just want to say 'thank you'. You have inspired me. Congratulations on the news! This little life growing inside of you, Ginny, is one more of God's amazing miracles. I always think of the song by Sarah McLaughlin, "Ordinary Miracle", when I see pregnant bellies! I will continue to pray for you daily. Even though I never met Eliot, I will never forget him.

~Jessica from IN
PS I am going to buy an Eliot necklace right now!

Bob Hansel said...

Congratulations! We can't wait to follow along this blessed event with you... you amaze us with your words, hopes and faith!

Kim ( said...

Matt and Ginny - I have been following your blog and have posted it to my blog since I found out about my sweet Mary Grace. Was so encouraged about your 99 days that even without updates I still loved clicking on your blog just to see Elliot's face. I check on you often but there is never a new entry. Tonight when I clicked on your link just to see, I had to look at the date like 4 times before I read on cause I was confused!!:) Then in reading your blog and hearing of your new ministry (which my church does and is remarkable) I was so encouraged. Kept reading and after ready restoration and see you guys are pregnant I lost it - tears were a flowing. Congratulations! Praise Jesus - I am so happy for you guys.
With love,

As He Leads is Joy said...

Congratulations! How exciting. Praying for you at this time. Continuing to be blessed by Eliot's life and your testimony.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you both! I have thought about you so many times since viewing your video. My little girl is Eliot's age. Many prayers for a healthy and wonderful pregnancy and birth!

Sara said...

So thankful for the udpate and your exciting news!

Lisa (Myers) Hartsfield said...

By the way.....when are you due?

Lisa Hartsfield
Mansfield, TX

Girl Raised in the South said...

Tears in my eyes over this for you - sososososo happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Knew you were as soon as I opened the link- will be thinking of you both!!! Love- Catherine

This Journey of Mine said...

YAHOO! God is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I just learned of Eliot's life today while in my church. Watching the video really moved me greatly. I wanted to know more so I goggled Eliot and found your blog.

I'm so happy to read that you have begun rEcess to assist other families. I think it's a great way to give back and to pay hommage to Eliot.

You have so many wise words in your blogs and it reminded me that God truly is so very good. And He is so amazing how he puts us in situations that we cannot begin to understand at the time. But looking back, we can see how God was preparing us for greater things than we could have ever imagined.

Congrats on your good news about being pregnant. I'll be praying for all of you!

God is sooo good!!!

Anonymous said...

We rejoice with you and will continue to lift you all up in prayer!

The Baugh Family

Chrissy said...

WAHOO! Thinking of you guys often. I knew God brought me to check in last night for a reason! So happy for you! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

i've never met you before....but thank you for updating us on your family......I've been praying for you family since I heard about your precious son......i will continue to pray.....and congrats on all the new things in your life....and the new baby on the way!:)

Moriah Freeman

Anonymous said...

kent mckeaigg

Debbie said...

Praise Jesus! The angels will be looking after you, with Eliot leading the way! He will be overjoyed that his precious parents will be able to love, adore and nurture his brother or sister. Congratulations on your journey and your new baby.

The Mitchells said...

So excited for you guys. Also, wanted to say how excited I am for your respite service. We use one here in Dallas, but have always thought we could improve on it...impressive that you guys saw a need and took the time and energy to fill it...special needs parents everywhere thank you.

The Moshells said...

Although we have never met, your story touches me, and even more so your faith and praise for our wonderful God. Many congratulations on your pregnancy as well as starting such a wonderful non-profit. Prayers are being lifted up for you!

Elena LaVictoire said...

This is the post I have kept checking your blog for! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I watched your clip and it was so touching. It made my problems seem so small. I pray that god continue to bless you guys. Thanks for posting the slide show. It touched my life.

Emily said...

It is so nice to hear your words again! We lost our baby girl almost nine months ago and I first learned of your sweet Eliot in the last days that I shared with her in pregnancy. After just five days, an extremely rare neurological problem took her life and I have found such hope in your words. We are pursuing foster care and adoption and we have been so sweetly surprised at the joy that comes when is hope is revealed again. Restoration, like you said. I praise God that you know that hope, too. And I cannot wait to hear all about this new little miracle Mooney He is knitting together. Congrats!

Lozada's said...

Hey matt & ginny... I am not anyone you know but was sent your video link about a week ago. I can't tell you how Eliot and your story has impacted my life. I sent the link to many friends and family and they were just as encouraged! Thank you for taking the time to make it so others can see what a beautiful job God has done with Eliot's testimony of your lives. Beautiful! Just read most of your blog last Thursday and was wondering when you guys would ever post again. Another follower sent me an email to ck your blog and I was ecstatic reading the p.s. It might be odd to share your lives with strangers, but we are greatly impacted by you. And that is just how our Father works. Thank you so much for pouring your souls onto a blog for others to see. You guys are amazing and I am excited to see what your future holds.
Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling big for you guys. Wonderful news and still great writing.

Unknown said...

I am at work right now with tears literally running down my face. My wife found your video on Godtube and I don't know why but I keep watching it, even now at work I just want to see it. I have always struggled with feeling significant in my life. I was never told I am proud of you son, you are significant and I have such a longing for that. I know that God thinks I am significant but sometimes it is hard to imagine. Until I watch your video. Sometimes I imagine God loves me like Matt loves Eliot. When I see the birthday cakes with little Eliot it makes me cry so hard, you made him feel so significant. Even if he never got to tell you. Imagine how much God loves Eliot (and me). Thank you for your video.

Soup Diva said...

Just a few days ago I discovered the video you created about your precious Eliot. I couldn't stop the tears. I am deeply moved by your strength and courage. I have a beautiful 16 yr old daughter, but have had 4 miscarriages in the last 3 years. When I read the blog today that you are pregnant, it brought me to tears. May God richly bless you both. I will continue to pray for you daily.

Astraea said...

I have been praying for that news from you guys. I don't even know you, but your little Eliot touched my heart. Congratulations!! God bless. PLEASE keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

God is good and it shows in your life. Thank you for sharing your life with me and showing me that life does go on when things are tough. I am excited for both of you on the news of your second baby. He/She will not only have a pair of amazing parents, but an older brother angel watching over. Lucky baby!

Jen in Al said...

my heart is literally bursting with joy over the news of your baby!!!!! congratulations!!!! for some reason i checked today to see if there was an update! amazing! God is sooo good! thrilled to hear about your ministry. what a blessing i am sure it is not only to the parents that it provides a night off for but also for those who have the privilege of caring for such special children! Eliot touched my heart so deeply! i really can't fully put it into words. you are daily in my prayers. definitely a restoration believer! :) thank you so much for the update! rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing!!! covering you in prayer, jen in al

Anonymous said...

I just watched the beautiful documentary video celebrating Eliot's life. That led me here, where I was moved still more by your blogs. Especially the news of pregnancy! Many blessings to you both.

With Regards,
Blessed by Eliot in Minnesota!

shaleen said...

I got such a chill reading your PS, I am so happy for you. What a pleasant and wonderful couple you both are. Dear Eliot must be so happy for you from his place in heaven. May God bless you and your family. PS I'm in my last semester of law school too -- and also choosing not to practice -- congratulations on graduating! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's about all I've got. I too watched your blog closely from the beginning. In fact, I've posted many times along the way about your blog on my blog and all of my clients know of your story. One of your family members (the photographer) is the one who led me to your story, and I still cannot tell you how much it moved me. It taught me to love and appreciate the little things, which by the way ended up being so important for me. My son was just diagnosed with autism, and I remember everyday to appreciate that brief look, to appreciate that seldom hug, and to love every bit of my baby. Eliot played a big role in helping me to remember how important each day is. Your family is forever in my prayer, and heart. I pray for a safe journey with this pregnancy and can't tell you how excited I am for you! I hope you continue to update.

The Richins Family said...

I am so in ahhh with you two right now, i don't even know you two. i saw your 99 balloons video on from my friends blog. i watched it and felt the joy and pain that i went through with my first born that was 10 weeks premature. What a blessing it is to take care of a child from God, huh? how exciting to have elliot live with you for 99 days. he is beautiful! i absolutely love the preemie baby look. What a fighter! Since i am a blog hopper, i couldn't help but blog hop and read your blog. Congrats on moving on with life, and being pregnant! that's very exciting. i hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and your baby is healthy. aren't the nurses in the NICU so amazing? i learned so much from ours. You are in my prayers! :)

Rmomof3 said...

Hooray!!!!!!! Congratulations seem almost not enough in comparison to the tears welling within my eyes! Say an "oooo pig souiee" for me and if you chance to go buy UBC ( Univ. Baptist Church) or the ADPi house - give them a nod!
May this "Blessing" ( as we call them around here at ATH) bring you both years full of joy!
The ATH clan

The Reeds said...

Matt and Ginny,
Congratulations! I found your site last year and have been praying for you ever since I "met" Eliot. Ginny, I was an Alpha Chi at Alabama and remember you from college:) I will continue to pray for all 3 of you. Thank you for sharing. You've blessed and inspired so many people!
Love and Prayers,
April (Miller) Reed

Dr. Joanne Cacciatore said...

There really are no words...

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

So good to read a new update! Congratulations on your new pregnancy! I can't wait to hear more about it.

Rachel (Wood) Norris

Leigh Collins said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy! Ginny, I jumped from the Norris' blog to yours (I was an Alphi Chi too, Leigh Kirby). As a former NICU nurse, I know how much of a journey you have been on. I haven't read all of your posts, but I plan on it! I will keep you in my prayers for you and your new miracle! I'm sure Eliot has had and will have a hand in this!

Anonymous said...

I just was sent this video of your balloons and was so touched by your sweet son Eliot. I live in Tyler, Tx and it is already warm here and the growing season is in full swing. After learning of Eliot, I went out today and bought a new rose bush. It is vibrant orange with a tinge of pink. I have named it Eliot so I can remember your story as I see this new rose reaching for the sun
Sincerely, Kathleen

boltefamily said...

Wow! Congratulations! That is so exciting! I will be praying.

Kristy Bolte

PartyofFive said...

Congratulations on your exciting news!!! I loved reading about Eliot and the the respite nights sound amazing.

Lauren said...

I was so excited to see a new entry from you guys! I have followed your blog for a while now. Congratulations on the pregnancy! I can't wait to hear another update!

Kenzie said...

Matt & Ginny-

Throughout our journey with Maddox I've had numerous people (too many to count) send me the link of your 99 balloons video when they found out Maddox had Trisomy 18. I am so thankful for the update that y'all provided... for your ministry, for all that God continues to reveal to you, and for the precious little one that you are expecting. I too believe in restoration... I long for that and know that the Lord is more than able to provide.

So much love and prayers for your family!
Kenzie Stanfield

Kim said...

"PS We're pregnant."

Such a man... :)

Congratulations! Due date? We need the wife on here to keep us in the know...

Jamie said...

Glad to see that you are back to blogging!

Congratulations on the new addition! Please continue to keep us posted!!

Anonymous said...

This is the first time to your blog. A friend sent it to me and I am glad she did. I smiled, laughted and cried. I got to see your short movie of you handsome little Eliot. You were blessed to have him in your lives. Congratulations on the coming of your new baby and may our Heavenly Father watch over you and bless you. I know deep down in my heart Eliot is looking down and is happy that he is getting a new brother or sister. I will keep you in my prayers and in my heart.

Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless you and your wife in all your endeavors. I will pray a joyous pregnancy and a healthy baby! Keep us posted!
Gloria Smith

Liz said...

Really happy for your family!!! What a cool ministry too.

Maggie Pelton said...

I was waiting on that at the end. I knew it had to be there. Congratulations! Julia (Echols) Pelton

Maggie Pelton said...

P.S. I delivered our second baby December 10th at 14 weeks. He/She died of a chromosomal abnormality, likely Downs or another Trisomy. I've thought of you both often.

Anonymous said...

I have often checked back, not just to see if you've written anything new, but to reflect on the beauty that Eliot was, how much he was loved and how lucky you all are to have had your precious time together. I've never been able to 'delete' your site from my favorites list because just seeing Eliot's name pop up made me say a simple prayer that you two are safe and healing. Congratulations on the news of your baby. What a lucky child he/she will be.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful news of the new life growing in Ginny's womb. I don't remember how I first stumbled across your site, but I've been here many times, crying and rejoicing over your sweet Eliot. A dear friend has a new baby with chromosomal abnormalities and I just came back here to send her some of your wise words about God's faithfulness even when He doesn't give us what we want. I was delighted to see the new post about the baby and will be praying for you all.

Terrill said...

M&G, So great to have an update from you. I've missed you and had stopped posting myself, but last week was compelled to celebrate my father's reunion with Mackenzie, and our Lord Jesus Christ, I was drawn back to Mackenzie's blog to pour out my memories about my dad, next to my memories of her. While there I clicked a link I set up to your blog and was pleasantly surprised to see your post from just a few days before. I have missed hearing from you. There have been several advresities that we have to thank God for, and rejoice about since last we talked. Our best friends (our pastor and his family) are moving in 3 weeks or so to answer a call to Mission's service in .....MONGOLIA....brrr makes me cold just to see it in type! They will be away for 4 years.
Mark and Cinda and their kids Annika (almost practically a lady at 7 years old), and Toby, (who at 3 knows that Sweet and Sour sauce is really "dragon snot", and isn't afraid to order it by it's proper name when we are out for chineese food)are very excited about the adventure that awaits them... their website is still under construction but can be viewed at:

Rocky, the younger of our two Great Danes, the fawn colored one, became sick last fall and left Duke, black and white harlequin, the only resident Bacholor at this address, Duke mourned the loss of his buddy for weeks, but is begining to adjust. I am currently gathering material and stories and am trying to organize them into some symbolance of a meaningful narrarative that I plan on calling JOY: the unlikely choice, or something equally blah.

So thats the highly condensed and freezedried version of whats going on here, if you would post more often you wouldnt have to suffer through long drawn out "catching up" comments, because it would be easier to stay caught up. You and Ginny are in my daily prayers and now your new promise is in my prayers too!
Love you guys!
Thrilled to see you back!
Really, Thrilled.

Anonymous said...

Yea! Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! Our family will send prayers your way (for the baby & for the Bar Exam). My husband and I are attorneys and I can tell you that the baby is more exciting than any law degree or even passing the Bar Exam (but, you knew this already)!
Kim D.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new little heartbeat!!

Anonymous said...

The video of Eliot was so touching that it made both my children cry. They are 8 and 9 years old at this time. I don't understand why God gives and God takes away. My good friend also lost her 3 month old baby boy Micah and the only words I have to say to you and to her are "I'm sorry". Your story has given me strength and wisdom to be more thankful of what I have been given. Thanks for being so open with sharing the story of your son. Congrats on your new pregnancy. From Krista B. ~ International Worship Center

Anonymous said...

I've been following your story thru other Trisomy 18 blogs, and am so happy for you both! Good luck with everything.


Anonymous said...

Prego! Awesome!

I earnestly pray that all goes well for you guys. I am positive given the testimony that you bear that this child will be loved so much.

It seems cliche at times, but I heard the other day "You cannot have a testimony without a test". I don't know how true that is, but I know how I feel when I consider your boy Eliot.

God is too good.

Congratulations on the charity and the upcoming baby.

The Edmistons said...

Wonderful, joyful news!
I have checked your blog often for this announcement.
God Bless You!

Candi said...

My mother-in-law sent us your cute movie clip of Eliot just a few days ago. Your family is beautiful. We are so happy about your new baby. It has been a blessing to read about everything.

Salt Lake City, ut

Anonymous said...

(smiling huge and hollaring---yay!! a baby)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wow, I have chills. I was JUST thinking about Elliot's story and your blog a few weeks ago and wishing you'd take up the writing again. I'm so glad I revisited the blog today to read this news, I hope we will continue to hear more from you! Congratulations and you'll be in my prayers!

Jessica said...

Your faith is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing and testifying of the beauty of life.
I couldn't hold back after I read "I believe in restoration" from telling you: the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as he established it on the earth, with prophets and apostles is restored and living and here on the earth today.
Here is a bit of information:
It is beautiful. We know that families can be together forever, just as you do.
Thankyou for all you have shared. What a gift!

Borbe Bunch said...

What a wonderful blessing rEcess is to a mother to a special needs son, who I can't have just have anyone babysit for us, what a blessing rEcess would be in our area...God knows our needs. I am so excited to see what He is doing in your part of the world, touching lives and blessing families...God bless you in your wonderful ministry....
Congratulations on the exciting news of a precious gift...praying for health and His strength...

Crystal said...

I saw the video just now and i'm sorry to hear what happened to you guys. But i'm glad you guys are pregnant again. Everytime i look at my kids now i will think of you guy's. Hope you have a wonderful life.I'll pray for you now everyday!!


Kids are the most precious things!!

Parkersburg, WV

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

I often think of your sweet Eliot, and pray for you.

I am so glad I checked the blog today!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Singapore. Words cannot describe the pain as I watched about your little fighter and his life. Yet at the same time, your glorification of God and your pain and love for your son really shone through. I'm proud to be a brother in Christ with someone like you.

Congratulations on your new pregnancy! Will keep that in prayer. Also think you'll do a great job with rEcess. Keep us updated on the blog!

Anonymous said...

Just letting you guys know how truly wonderful you are! We will be praying for you and the baby!
From Alabama
Kait F.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy. God has blessed you with another beautiful child. Eliot's journey through life is a wonderful story and I hope this child (and future children) know all about their big brother. God bless you!

Chrissy said...

Happy Mother's Day Ginny! You are a precious Mother and Mother-to-Be!

Jen in Al said...

Happy Mother's Day, Ginny!!!! Eliot and your baby are so blessed to have you as their Mommy! thank you for sharing your journey. praying for you, jen in al

Starla said...

Wow! I can't tell you how excited I got in reading about your pregnancy. Please keep us updated and know that you are being prayed for by people who have never met you (like me) yet care for you!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. I have stayed up for hours reading your blog and am amazed by what wonderful people you are. I am a L&D nurse and in the past year we have had two Trisomy 18 babies carried to term. Our NICU staff unfortunately can't see past the "incompatible with life" label and it saddens me. I plan to share your video of Eliot in hopes of opening their eyes to what a joy these babies are even if just for a few precious hours.

Congratulations on your pregnacy. I pray for a happy and healthy 9 months. Please continue to update the blog.

The Trone's: James, Misty, and Bella Grace said...

so excited to hear about the new baby! keep us updated.

The Hull Munchkins said...

What wonderful news! I don't even know you and yet I'm so happy for your family.

May the Lord bring this baby into the world to glorify Him and some how bring a little more healing for you both.
Eliot's story has touched me so much, and many others who have linked to your site from our blog!

Thank you for sharing your lives "on-line" to the Praise of our Father.

Anonymous said...

The 4 words you repeated in this blog 'I believe in restoration' has blessed me more than you will ever know. In the midst of yelling at God "WHY?" but not shutting up long enough to hear the answer, I have found a peace this morning that doesn't answer my 'why', but moves me past dwelling into restoration. Thank you for sharing, for I know that you have heard and listened to God. Congratulations on the new ministry and the new pregnancy/baby! What a wonderful blessing.

Anonymous said...

I started following your blog awhile ago, but after everything with Eliott had happened. I had heard of you from others in my church, your blog has been inspirational to say the least. My son has some developemental problems and the doctors were concerned and wanted to do some tests and send him to Little Rock. I was freaking out, but after reading your blog I felt like I had better perspective. He is having surgery next month and has some problems, but I am joyful. I pray for a safe pregnancy for you and for a healthy baby.

Anonymous said...


I was just sent this video by my best friend. First I would like to Thank God for His strength that He gave to you and your dear wife. God Blessed you with Eliot even if the days were numbered we as well as you and your families had the honor of knowing him. I buried three of my sons that were born pre-mature with underdeveloped lungs, with the acception of one of them being still born. God blessed with me a third son whom we named Gabriel Seth. He is going to be 6-years old this July 2nd. I kept my faith in the Lord even when the grief was unbearable, God never left my side and He delivered. I am so glad you are expecting. I have downloaded 99 balloons on my computer. God Bless you and I will pray for you and your family.

Jeff said...

I saw your video on YouTube. Very moving. I am going to post your video on my blog site for my June 1st post.

likeschocolate said...

Congratulations on the new life coming to your family. I loved your video thank you for reminding me to count my blessing and enjoy the journey whatever it might bring me. Wishing you all the best

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Eliot's video moved me to tears, and I love you all even though we've never met in person. I will keep your family in my prayers; your new baby is so blessed to come into your family. God is great.

Anonymous said...

stumbled onto your website and was blessed and amazed....I have a nephew with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) who we found out today will require back surgery soon. He spent the entire summer in a body cast last year due to a broken leg.....but your story has lightened the load of that today...each day is a gift...he was given a grim diagnosis at birth as well, but just celebrated his 10th birthday March 22! Congrats on the'll be amazing parents....again!

Anonymous said...

I saw the video on God tube - quite moving. Thanks for sharing your story. Your idea for a respite house is great. Please check out what our church is doing and maybe you can be part of it:


priscilla said...

Thank you for talking about your life in this way. I just recently was e-mailed the movie about Eliot. wow!! What grief and joy you've expressed in this story. I've read all the blogs and want more. your a writer you know, a good one. So if you don't finish law school or if you don't do the "lawyer thing" you may have a job after all writing about our Jesus and His love. I know one thing for sure He will make a way and shine His light for you and your wife! oh,congrats on the new baby!! i pray the Lords blessing over this pregnancy as well as your future as a writer for the glory of God..

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh, how good it is to see you back here!!! I love how Eliot keeps going and going, bless his heart. My heart leaped when I read your P.S. How wonderful to have another new life on its way. Praying Gods blessings all over you guys and this new little gift.:) Because of Eliot, my life has been enriched by praying for families with T-18 babies. Twenty One are in heaven, however three are still with us, varying in ages from two weeks up to 3 years. I have met many beautiful mommys along the way who have become cyber friends. I will be praying for your family and Eliots ministry. It is all so good and so is God. I am so glad you are back.!!!!

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Curtis Crew said...

you are amazing! I admire your strength and perserverence and fighting against all odds to raise Eliot for 99 beautiful well spent days. I can't thank you enough for your video to spread the message to cherish what we have while we have it because we never know when it will be over. God Bless you in all you do! congratulations with the new baby. I feel very blessed to have you have touched my life with your beautiful Eliot. Best wishes, Tonya Curtis UT

Anonymous said...


I'm writting from Italy. And I just wanted to thank you for sharing the story of beautiful little Eliot.

I'm 25 weeks pregnant and if I ever have to face anything this "unespected" with my baby, I pray I'll be able to do it just half as well as you've done it with Eliot.

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

I have just watched your 99 Balloons tribute to Eliot. Wow. As mother to a 6 month old son, Aidan, I cannot imagine how much grief and heartache you and Ginny have experienced. How very exciting to see God restoring you both and to learn of the news of your pregnancy. You have the prayers of my family for a healthy pregnancy and baby! Blessings to you both. Eliot's story has touched me deeply and will continue to.

Jade.Sanford said...

I had came across "99 balloons" a while back on youtube & finally saw the link for your blog today. I about jumped out of my chair reading the last part of your post.
I have been praying for you both for a while now; that God would bless you with a sibling for Eliot.
My first pregnancy had a lot of problems, my daughter wasn't supposed to make it. She is here, and we still fight nearly 4 years later. I had a son in August 2007 & that pregnancy was more emotionally stressful for me than the one with my daughter was. I will be praying that you can feel peace during the pregnancy.
A good friend of mine had lost two children to a genetic disorder. Her daugher lived just over an hour, her son for 6 & 1/2 months. Not too long after her son passed they decided to try for another child. Someone made a snide remark & said "How could you do this to your son? You're replacing him". Those words were sharp, and hurtful... but we remembered that you don't have one child to replace another when you've been blessed with healthy children, why would you do it if you have one in heaven? I am not good with words so I hope you see what I mean.
God bless you. Your Eliot has touched me in such a way I cannot explain. One day, in heaven, I would love to hold him.
I will also be praying about the rEcess. Sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - I am SO excited for you two!!! Ever since I started reading your blog, I have prayed that God would bless Eliot with a brother or sister. I am thrilled that he has, as always, heard my prayers.

May he bless you with a healthy, wondrous pregnancy and may He continue to bless others through you and your ministry.


It's a God Thing said...

How wonderfully AWESOME!!!! I got goosebumps, then tears in my eyes when I hit the P.S.!!! Praise the Lord...

You are on my mind frequently. Strange coming from a complete stranger, I know - then, I doubt this is the first time you've heard that (from a complete stranger). 99 Days of Wonderful, Awesome, Beautiful, Joy!!

I have to stop now because I'm nearly in tears....but PRAISE THE LORD for you and your P.S.

The Mason Family said...

I came across your blog after watching your video on YouTube. I found myself up late one night reading your entire journey. Your words are beautifully written and very touching. Thank you for sharing your is a story of love, courage, strength and faith. Congratulations on the pregnancy and best wishes...

Shannon Mason

Jen in Al said...

Happy Father's Day, Matt! Praying for you all, jen in al

Astraea said...

Please give us an update on Ginny and the baby!!!

This High Calling said...

"Hope shall change to glad fruition, faith to sight and prayer to praise" - Praise God for all he has done and is beginning!

Karla Porter Archer said...

oh, how blessed you are!

Congratulations. May y'all have peace as you progress through this pregnancy.


Ashley said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with the world. I recieved a random email from a sister in law that had your video of Eliots life. It definitely bring again the perspective of how important our little one year old Eli is to our own lives. I myself placed a child for adoption with another family 5 and half years ago and understand somewhat feeling of a loosing a baby. I am so happy to hear you are pregnant again and I wish you all the same happiness that came with my own. Our little Eli was truly the light at the end of a dark and lonely tunnel I traveled through after placing the first baby. Congratulations and please continue to share your touching story!

Sincerely Noah and Ashley

SoonerAggieMom said...

We watched the 99 balloons video at church today. Our pastor then spoke from James 1. Thank you for sharing Eliot's life with us. Congratulations on your pregnancy. We're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!! I got chills and tears. I'm so glad I decided to check in on you guys. Praying for you and thinking of you often.

Rachel Clark
(Brooks Howard Parker's cousin)

Jennifer Perkins said...

Congratulations, Matt and Ginny!!!

Matt, I so enjoy your posts! I am so happy to see you writing, again. Please consider continuing, I miss your insight.

Ginny... I am so happy for you! When are you due? You are often in my thoughts, and I will pray for you and the little one to come.

This is the Jennifer that attended Griefshare with you last spring. I have since moved, and remarried. We are in Tennessee, now... sometimes missing Arkansas, but still enjoying the new blessings.

Congratulations to you both!

love and hugs,

Sunshine Montessori said...

CONGRATULATIONS from friends in Siloam Springs!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! After have a miscarriage at 11 weeks, I came across your video and it helped me restore faith. I am now pregnant again at 14 weeks. I can't wait to hear more updates on you guys.

Autumn N. Brown said...

Hi Matt. I never thought I would run into the boy that sat behind me in sixth grade (and pick on me) on the internet. My prayers are for you and your sweet wife. I know that the journey is a long one but it seems you two seek the Lord's guidance every step of the way. God Bless you both. Take care...Autumn Brown AKA Autumn Ivy

Cathy said...

Congrats on your new bloom!
Cathy & Annabel

emily said...

i was forwarded a youtube video from my husband months ago. we were experiencing a trial of our own at the time and seemed to be on the up path. it really helped us remember and think about things again watching that video, although our trials are nothing like yours we have the same faith and love through all we've been through. i have always kept my email with the link to the video, but this time i decided to search for how things have been going. your words are always nice to hear - i just wanted to say thank you to you both for being so wonderful in sharing your story with everyone. i think it's uplifting to hear others thoughts and viewpoints on life, especially when they are positive and faith-filled. all the best on your pregnacy.

Jen in Al said...

Happy Birthday Eliot!!!!!!! i thought you would like to read this: Most of the Mommies if not all that Emily talks about have seen Eliot's tribute and read your blog (they link to it on their blogs). Eliot is still touching lives for Christ every day! His impact (and yours) for the Lord cannot be measured! Praying for you all as you approach this sacred day and looking forward to news about precious Baby Mooney:),jen in al

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for the two of you. I saw Eliot's video on youtube a while back and it left a lasting impression on my heart. I too lost a child.. a 21 month old son.

Congratulations on everything! The two of you deserve everything good life has to offer.

I hope the pregnancy is a smooth and uneventful one for you.

God bless,

Ellen said...

I saw the 99 balloons video when my baby son was almost 3 months old. I sat in front of the computer and couldn't stop crying. It was a very hard battle to get pregnant with our miracle, and we're getting ready to begin the process of treatments again, hoping for another miracle. Trials and losses change you.

I lost a baby to miscarriage before Seth, and it was very easy to worry that Seth wouldn't make it, either. I talked to a friend who'd dealt with worse. She told me, "Don't let what happened before rob you of the joy of this pregnancy." So I tried to focus on rejoicing over each day that he was given to me, knowing that I couldn't control the future.

I don't want to make any trite comments. They aren't helpful. I just wanted to share this in case it would be useful to y'all. I am rejoicing with you in your pregnancy.

Lisa said...

Hi Ginny & Matt - your story has touched my life (surely many others also) I didn't notice your Family name until the end of the 99 Balloons video, my maiden name is Mooney also.

Thank you for sharing.

Lisa <^><

Anonymous said...

What can I say? I am from Guatemala, and I am so glad I got to see your video and see how strong and good you were with your baby, man! only the Lord can give that kind of strength, and guess what? You did it so well, that he is entrusting another life with you guys... Be encouraged. The Lord is ALWAYS with us. Love, Juli.

Martha said...

Eighteen years ago my friend and I delivered our babies on the same day. I had a healthy 8 pound boy. She had a tiny baby girl with Trisomy 18. Naomi Ann lived two days. I wish I had asked to see her while we were still in the same hospital. She died two days later. On my son's first birthday I wrote this poem for my friend.


There's a little girl in heaven
Who is just about your size,
She plays peek-a-boo with Jesus
And watches angles fly.

And when she needs to have a hug,
She climbs on Jesus' knee,
He wraps His arms around her
And loves her perfectly.

Sometimes he tells her stories
About her mom and dad,
And how much her family loves her,
I know that makes her glad.

Jesus cares for children,
So if she ever cries,
He takes her up into His arms
And gently dries her eyes.

I watch you growing bigger,
And as you learn to stand,
She learns to walk in heaven
By holding Jesus' hand.

Thank you, Matt and Ginny, for sharing your beautiful child.

Unknown said...

Oh, what a wonderful update! I have never forgotten you, Ginny or Eliot after learning of your story. I can't wait to hear about your new baby. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

It was such an encouragement to read about Eliot. Some times when you have a special needs child you feel like you are the only one. I have a 23 year old daughter that was born with a sever genetic disorder. I do not have a diagnosis for her condition. Drs. would like to retest her now, but It won't change anything so why put her through it.. I just place her in a group home last August. That was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was 22 when I had her, she was 22 when I gave her primary care to someone else. As hard as these kids can be they truly become everything you are. She has never had any speach. But, we know her. We knew what she wanted or didn't want it. I, you can never express how much love I, you can have for your child no matter how hard they are to take care of. God really give a us a heart that is soooo much bigger then any condition our child could ever have. It is just very uplifting to know there are others that can feel what you feel. you don't have to try to explain it . God is sooo gooood. We will see our children perfect on our next jurney

Anonymous said...

A friend sent me the 99 Balloons video...I cried and hurt with/for you. You are both so strong. I am SOO very happy to hear of all you are doing for others. I am also SOOO very excited about your pregnancy! Congratulations to you both. I will be praying for you all...

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness! Congratulations. My heart just swelled with joy upon learning your news. Thank you for sharing, and know your precious family is in my prayers.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

You are truly beautiful people inside and out. I just viewed the video 99days and I was deeply moved. You are truly remarkable people and have showed the world the meaning of love. True heroes!

Kindyland said...

Congratulations. Your baby reminds me so much of my Nicholas.

Sheila said...

I'm a reader of your original blog and for some reason Eliot popped into my head tonight and I decided I wanted to send y'all a card.

I'm ashamed to admit that I find it hard to believe it's been two years. It honestly feels like yesterday.

All *that* to say your P.S. was a real leg-slapper for me. So many heartfelt congratulations from me to you. I do hope you'll share the new wee one with us as well!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

it's been 4 months! how are you guys? how's the baby?

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless. Congratulations.

UKNat said...


bryan133 said...

God loves you so much.

Heather said...

Congratulations! We are all praying for you.

Randi said...

Praying the next few weeks will be wonderful!
Praying for a safe birth.
In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Dear Matt,

My name is Jennifer. I am 7 months pregnant with our second child (a baby boy) now and when I was 5 months pregnant with him, we learned that he had an "abnormal heart". We soon learned that he had what is medically termed a "hypoplastic heart" on the right side. What complicates his condition and makes it irreparable is the fact that he has pulmonary stenosis, a severe constriction in his vein that leads from the heart to the lungs. They tell us that he will be born very sick and that they are not sure that he will survive surgery. His heart condition is very rare.

A friend sent your story to me a month ago and I could not watch. Today I did. I cried, like so many others. You and your wife opened my heart and reminded me that I am not alone and that every gift of life is a gift of light and love, and that the light of God is everywhere. In every darkness and hurt, there is light and love. Your journey reminded me of this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Jennifer, Toronto, ON, Canada

Anonymous said...

Dear Matt,

My name is Jennifer. I am 7 months pregnant with our second child (a baby boy) now and when I was 5 months pregnant with him, we learned that he had an "abnormal heart". We soon learned that he had what is medically termed a "hypoplastic heart" on the right side. What complicates his condition and makes it irreparable is the fact that he has pulmonary stenosis, a severe constriction in his vein that leads from the heart to the lungs. They tell us that he will be born very sick and that they are not sure that he will survive surgery. His heart condition is very rare.

A friend sent your story to me a month ago and I could not watch. Today I did. I cried, like so many others. You and your wife opened my heart and reminded me that I am not alone and that every gift of life is a gift of light and love, and that the light of God is everywhere. In every darkness and hurt, there is light and love. Your journey reminded me of this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Love and light,
Jennifer, Toronto, ON, Canada

Anonymous said...

We just saw your touching video on youtube - that short 6 minute video is life-changing. Thank you for baring your souls so that others can see your light and inspiration.

Please post another update about your families well being! How is the pregnancy going and how did the Bar exams go?!?

Twinkletoes said...

I just watched the video for a second time and linked to the blog! Congratulations!

Ool5 BeSiT0S 2oO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ool5 BeSiT0S 2oO said...

Matt & Ginny:

I just recently came across your video dedicated to Eliot. I was deeply touched and saddened by the video and I managed to find your blog after typing in a few keywords on Google. I wish I would have found it sooner to pray for Eliot.

I just wanted to say that your family has impacted me in a way I cannot even begin to express.

Congratulations on the pregnancy.

Rosie Ramirez
Hammond, Indiana

All 4 My Gals said...

Congratulations! You have richly blessed my life by sharing Eliot's. God has used you both so powerfully and you truly inspire me to be open to His calling. Thank you. I will be praying for you guys and look forward to meeting Eliot's sibling. I'm sure Eliot is smiling from heaven!

erpgirl said...

I just watched 99 Balloons for the first time through Igniter Media. I had to google Eliot's name just to see what the future has brought for you. God is good. Jesus is smiling on the 2 of you. I will pray that this child is healthy and brings as many blessings into your life as Eliot did. Your family has an amazing testimony for God. I am so happy that you share it.
Slidell, LA

Anonymous said...

Will there be anymore updates?

Anonymous said...

I check your blog every day hoping to find an update! I was looking back at Ginny's blog when she said she was about 5 months pregnant (back in June), so she has to be sooo close, right?!?! Let us know if you get a chance...there are so many people out there praying for all of you!!

Melissa said...

Congratulations!! I have just learned what Trisomy is and am joining forces with Michael Hennessy to raise awareness for Trisomy through triathlons. I put Eliot's video on my blog and will be putting a link to both your websites. I have truly been blessed through Eliot's story. I shared it with my 10 year old daughter and used this opportunity to discuss abortion with her and how many people think people like Eliot should not live and how they are told that they are incompatible with life. She watched his video and said, "How can anyone say that Mommy?" She has mentioned Eliot several times and has asked the question we all ask, "Who can decide who is incompatible with life Mom?" Thank you for sharing his story. I will do all I can to raise awareness for the precious children with Trisomy and their heroic families.

I am so excited for you that you are pregnant. Keep us posted. We are all praying for you.

SuMmeR_Ra|n said...

May God be with your family throughout this pregnancy. May God be the center of your family. Amen. :)

Shaw said...

I came upon your video and didn't know if i should click it. i saw the picture of your son with the O2 and Dob Hoff and I just knew...

my wife is 7 months pregnant and we are buying furniture and baby needs. We are experiencing all the things that pregnant couples do, the kicks and swollen feet. Always I wonder, what if? I pray always for God's will in my life, and the protection and care of God for my wife and our baby. I can't imagine having the strength to go through and celebrate such a tiny life.

I have not stopped crying. Your family is such an inspiration, to go through such a situation with God behind you, working through you. May God bless you. I thank you for showing me, that no matter what, we will get through and we can celebrate everything.

Anonymous said...

i just thought i would let you know that i have seen the video 99 balloons. Eliot was beautiful, the video was very moving but shows us what strong people you are.
congratulations and i hope everything goes well during your pregnancy.
God Bless, Jermayne

5deej2 said...

I just came across your story today. My husband and I have a daughter with Trisomy 18. By the grace of God she just celebrated her 19 year-old birthday. I think your respite ministry is a such a needed ministry for families with special needs children. As you travel this road for years you get a little weary at times. We have been quite fortunate to have help when we have needed it. As Faith has grown it becomes increasingly harder to find help. Thank you for your story and your continued search for God's leading. Thank you from a family with a Trisomy 18 child.
Debby Hughes, Tulsa, OK

Anonymous said...

I've seen your video 99 balloons. And I will tell you that it is one of the major turning points in my life - seeing that video. I learned to appreciate things in life a lot lot more and not to whine so much. Everytime I watch that video I always want to hug my kids a little tighter and longer everyday, because each day is indeed a blessing and we must try to live it to the fullest, filled with joy, spreading the love of God. I've shared that video of yours to everybody I know and joined a cause for Trisomy 18 awareness...for Eliot. Thank you for sharing his life with the rest us, thank you so much. And good luck with the new bundle of joy. Take much care!

Anonymous said...

Any baby news yet? I pray that this transition is an easy one and that you find nothing but sheer joy in the miracle of life - this new life. What a blessing! Maybe once baby Mooney has made their grand entrance you could at least post a picture with names and stats? :o)

angelabarton said...

You all do not know me, I live in North Carolina but your story and blog has touched my life. It's funny how things happen for a reason but I was just answering emails one day and a friend sent me a link through my facebook account to watch a video. It was a tear jerker kinda video, well when it was over there were several other links to different videos, and Eliot's picture caught my attention. So I clicked on it and started to watch. What can I say....I was so amazed at your courage, your personal life battle you faced with Eliot, and how the end eventually turned out for you two. I have to say I couldn't stop crying when the video was over. I have two small children myself, Olivia born May of 2006 and Nicholas July 2007 and all I could think was what if that had been me. You two are probably one of the bravest couples I know and to go through such an emotional event but also one of strength and power is lifting. Marriage, life, kids can sometimes be very emotional and sometimes you think you've had it rough or had a bad day, but then I stop to think and I think of people like you, and I know I could not imagine going through something like that! You have given me a new perspective on my "problems" and that whatever it is I am going through or whatever is I might be going through there is always someone there to guide me and lift me and give me the strength to continue on. I am touched and honored to have read your blog and of course, thrilled to hear you two are pregnant again!!! WONDERFUL news!! God Bless and good luck!!
Angela Barton

Anonymous said...

I can't even think of words to express how brave and positive you stayed while your son was here with us. It must have been so wonderful and heart wrenching at the same time. May your story go on to help other people keep their faith! Thank you....

Anonymous said...

I saw you all on Oprah and you all touched my heart.

Congrats on your pregnancy, and god bless you. You two are strong.

nacotaco said...

Hi , I am so thrilled to hear of how God has gifted you....

Judy said...

I just watched your beautiful tribute to Eliot on You Tube! What a moving video and such an incredible message about the value of life! I'm praying that God will use your heartache and the precious life of Eliot to turn many to Him!

cazzamacca said...

hi i just wanted to say you guys are the bravest people i have ever seen, i just watched your video on facebook and now my face wont stop leaking. i have twin girls and a 8 month old baby girl, one of my twins is autistic, nothing like what you have been through but challenging and a test every day, you have made me realize just how precious our little ones are, god bless you all, you are all in my thoughts and congratulations on your pregnancy.

carrianne mckenna. wales uk

Anonymous said...

i was googling 99 balloons since i'm not cyber-savvy and seem unable to memorize the website to reply yes for friday...the blog came up instead and i had never read this last entry...since i know you have fancy stuff that lets you know when things are posted i decided to give'commenting' a shot...
1.matt, your my new favorite when are you gonna publish?
2. i know your too humble for this so maybe i'll have to get a petition
3. i really do love the analogy and it makes me that much more in awe of hazel and how grateful we are to be a part of watching her life 'bloom' if you will
4.thanks for letting us in. ya'll continue to be our heroes.

Anonymous said...

young and amazing individuals. God bless you both.

Melissa Burleigh said...

i cried when i saw the video.
idk what i would do if i lost my children but it's a life cycle i guess.
and congrats on the pregnancy.

Karen said...

99 Balloons is a beautiful gift, Matt and Ginny. I posted it on my website ( because I think it's a great lesson in choosing to celebrate a life with joy and compassion. Your Eliot will live in our hearts forever--and won't it be a blessing to meet his dear spirit again in the sweet by and by?

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and my heart is aching at the same time that it's rejoicing. Twenty-one years ago this August 10, our son Kyle was born. We had him for 3 days. There isn't a day of our lives that we don't remember him with joy. And there are many days we still shed tears. He changed our lives for the better as Eliot did yours. May God richly bless your lives and may He turn your mourning into dancing. May he take off your sackcloth and clothe you with joy, so that your souls may praise him and not be silent.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the story of your beautiful son and his life. The Lord bless you as you share his story with the world. What a testimony of God's love and grace, and to how sovereign life is, even in the earliest "stages." Eliot is a testimony to how precious life is and how God's love triumphs over our pain.


Jennifer said...

I first saw Eliot's video on you tube about six months ago and it touched me more than you could ever imagine. I cried when I watched the video, but I was left with an incredible feeling of peace. This week, I saw a link to your visit to the Today Show, and I was so happy to hear that Eliot now has a big sister. There, I also found the link to your blog and was very touched to read more of Eliot's life.

Many people would see no point to continuing a pregnancy if the baby had a condition that was not compatible with life. Your decision to honor Eliot and celebrate all the days you had with him have completely changed my perspective about life. I thank you for that. I know now that if I were ever faced with the same situation, I would choose to celebrate life.

Praying for continued love and happiness in your life. Jennifer

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing Eliot's story. I am from the Philippines, a Christian who happens to be a Pediatrician and a Geneticist.God has used your experience to comfort others because I am sharing this video to the families of my patients with Trisomy 18. Truly God has purpose in everything and His purpose in your son is being accomplished as his story provides comfort to so many people all over the world. This is his ministry, may the Lord's name be praised.

Anonymous said...

you r great parents!!!

Anonymous said...

Siempre esta el tópico que decimos los hijos de mi padre, mi madres es el mejor del mundo, es la mejor del mundo. Después de conocer vuestra historia, vosotros, sois los mejores padres del mundo. Un gran abrazo.

Unknown said...

hey guys!congratulations on the pregnancy... :D i am so happy for both of you! I just want to say that I am from Greece and I saw the beautiful video that you made for your son in Oprah! It's so inspiring!

Valentine from Athens

Ilze said...

Hi, guys!
I've just watched 99 baloons video. And I can't stop crying because it is so sad and so beautiful in the same time. I am so glad that there are such people like you in the world. And I really mean it.

Best wishes,

Lisa said...

I have never wrote on a blog before and I came across yours by researching NG Tubes. I watched the video, was excited but also sad, tears were flowing but I was smiling, knowing your love for your son was so strong. This truly touches my heart and there needs to be more people out there like you both. Good luck on upcoming adventures and god bless you and your families.

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