6lb 18 ½ inches
God has answered our (and your) prayers. Eliot is a 4 day old miracle thanks to all our friends and family for their help and support! We are all doing fine and loving life.

Updates are tough, because every hour is spent at the hospital, but we’ll try to keep them coming.
Matt & Ginny
Hi Matt and Ginny! May your time with Eliot be rich and blessed. You family is in our prayers. Blessings! Matt and Jody McComas
Congratulations! God has worked and is continuing to work his miracles through your family. I have been keeping up with your pregnancy through Amy and this site and you have been a witness to me and a continuous display of what God can do when you put your faith in Him. I'm continuing to pray for your family. Just know that we love you guys!
Jeffrey and Amanda Thornton
Hi Matt and Ginny! I attend Harvard with Ron and Sandra and I just wanted to let you know that everyone is praying for your family.
hey guys! COngratulations! We wish so much that we could be there to see Eliot and you! We are so happy for you and continue to thank God every day for your new gift. We love you and miss you!
Laura and Daniel
I love you guys!
Matt and Ginny,
I love you so much and can't wait to hear all about sweet baby Eliot. Ya'll are amazing, and we love you so very, very much.
Karen and Casey
Congrats! I love y'all and miss you so much! Praying for you and Eliot! God is so good!
Kristin Martinez
Matt and Ginny,
We have been receiving several updates and heard yesterday of Eliot's arrival. He is absolutely beautiful! We are praising God for His creation and are joining in the daily petitions for this precious son. Thank you for being so willing to share your life with others...God is using you to encourage and inspire. You are DAILY in our prayers.
Celebrating the Author of Life,
Bobby and Stephanie Qualls
What a beautiful miracle! We are friends of Ron and Sandra's from Harvard and have been praying for all of you!
Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as you enjoy the blessing of Eliot's life!
Precious baby Eliot, all of Fort Worth is praying for you and your wonderful parents. We are so thakful for you and your parents and their faithfulness. Have a wonderful day and we love you all. Nancy Martin and Wm. McDonald
Matt and Ginny,
We are still praying for all of you. Please know that God works through difficult times too. He is faithful in every way.
What a sweet family! it is such a belssing to meet your precious baby, even if it has to be online. He is perfect! You all remain in our prayers. We love you all!
Kelli & Joe Wilmot
Matt and Ginny-I was so excited to see the darling picture of all three of you, smiling so big. It did my heart good so thank you so. I am glad Eliot can come in the room with you-we're still praying for grace everyday! love, Wes's mom (SW)
Ginny and Matt, baby Eliot is beautiful! What a gift he is to you and your families! Congratulations and all of our love and prayers.
Leigh Mullen
Congrats!! You all have been in our thoughts and prayers this whole time. Eliot is so beautiful!!! We praise God who answers our prayers!!! We will keep praying for you all.
Matt and Ginny - He is so cute. We are praying for Eliot and your family and know that each day with him is a gift from God.
Jonathan and Katie Pennington
Matt, Ginny, and baby Eliot:
I just wanted to let you know that you are all in our prayers. God has already answered so many prayers regarding beautiful little Eliot.
Emily Eaton (from Harvard Avenue)
Hi Matt & Ginny! I am so glad to see the three of you doing so well. He is a beautiful boy and I hope and pray for His miracle to continue. Eliot is truly a sign of His work in your lives. I will continue to pray for all of you. Keep smiling and take it one day at a time.
Tomette Ratcliff (TRS)
Congratulations! We've been praying for ya'll! Hope each day with Eliot is sweeter than the last! We also just have to say ROLL TIDE and WHOOOO PIG SOOIE to that sweet boy!
Brax, Kim (Addington) and Thomas Watkins
CONGRATULATIONS!! Baby Eliot is BEAUTIFUL. We are so excited for you guys. We will continue to keep all three of you in our prayers!!
Love You guys!
Mark and Jamie Golab
Matt and Ginny,
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! We are praying for your precious family, please know that all of us in Fort Worth are praying for you! Much love, Debi and Brent Hicks
Welcome to the world Eliot! Our love to the three of you. Congratulations!
The Kirkmans
Continuing to pray for all 3 of you- Aunt Renee keeps me posted and I'm so thankful you are able to spend time together- Rest when you can and give your precious little boy a hug from me!Love and Prayers, Mrs. Olivia
Matt, Ginny and Eliot, What a treat to hug your neck Ginny and get to see all those adorable pictures of sweet Eliot yesterday. After leaving God put a verse on my heart that I wanted to share with you. "The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery, my invincible army. He will make my feet like deer's feet, to not stand still in terror but to walk. And He helps me make progress on the high places of trouble, struggles and responsibility." Habakkuk 3:19 (Amplified). I just was thinking through our visit and praying for you guys and that verse ran through my mind. I pray for the Lord to be your stronghold- He is your invicible army. Sending you lots of love and prayers. Jenny Beth and family
Matt and Ginny, I have been rejoicing with you over the life of your little son. I know that our God is surrounding you with his presence, his angels, his supernatural peace, because I know that is his nature to give everything you need. Little Eliot is just beautiful and so are you two. Love, Mrs. Carole (Carole Terral --caroleterral@hotmail.com)
Matt and Ginny and Eliot --
We continue to pray for you all. We are so excited that Eliot is here, and that you all are enjoying each other. Isn't it amazing how much you love this new precious life? And God loves you so very much more.
We love you all three.
Staley, Cindy and Pat Hawkins
What a blessed baby Eliot is to have Matt and Ginny Mooney as his parents. We love all three of you and are praying that God will continue to shower you with His Blessings.
Sam, Patsy, Katherine & Elizabeth
What a blessing Eliot already is in your lives. Just think of how many people have been encouraged by him and talking to God more and more because of Him! It's so great to see pictures of the family :-)
I love the Mooney three!
Ginny and Matt,
Congratulations and weldome to the world Eliot! I have been at Young Life camp for a week and just recived your blog site from Danny. What an awesome sight and what an amazing inspiration you are. I will be praying for all three of you and know that our Sovereign God is walking beside you now and in the days to come.
Terral (cousin) Cesak
Ginny, Matt and Eliot,
As I look at the precious picture of the three of you , I keep thinking about those T-Shirts that say Life Is Good. We always know this to be true but some times are just extraordinary and must be knowingly appreciated and cherished and tucked away to be brought forth and enjoyed again and again. I know you are saving each moment of each day. My thoughts and prayers like those of so many others surround you in appreciation for who you are and in joy for your joy . Life is good! Ms. Mullady
Elliot is just beautiful! God is with you, I can feel it! Y'all are surrounded with so much support and so many prayers from friends - Your testimony to the power of God in our lives is wonderful. I will continue to pray.
Love, Mrs. Thom
Hi Mooney Family! You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Eliot is so precious and beautiful. All the blessings in the world to you all!
Meredith Davis
Matt and Ginny - I just love seeing your progress and the pictures of precious baby Eliot! I know he is surrounded my so much love - you are both blessed with such wonderful strong families. We are sending lots of prayers from northeast Louisiana! Keep us posted - Renee Schneider
Matt and Ginny,
My mother, Marjorie Terral, told us about your baby. We met you on the cruise that Mr. John so graciously provided. Carol and I will pray for you, and Eliot. God sustains.
Philip and Carol Wade
John 16:33
Matt and Ginny
EL creador los bendiga, por entregar ese inmenso amor a Eliot (EPD), su experiencia nos muestra lo importante que es defender la vida.
You dont know me, but I just saw the video about your Son. Your faith is amazing. I too lost a son at approx four months old, and like you I can say that I will see him again. Keep trusting in Jesus. Your son IS beautiful, and you will be dancing with him in front of the king.
Pastor Dale Sanger
Marmora, On
Me entere tarde, lo siento, ojala hubiera podido ayudar con oraciones y pedir por un segundo mas de vida de ese amor.
I just watched your video on Facebook. I just want to tell you that it touched me.
I just saw your video and I don't want to sound cold and heartless. I really envy your ability to still believe in a God who was so cruel to you. I can't do that. As far as I can tell God is mean and nasty and doesn't care for any of us at all. How dare he give you such a small amount of time with your child. God broke Eliot and made you two work your butts off to give him the best life you could and then just took him anyways. Doesn't sound like a very loving and merciful God to me. I don't know you two but judging from the video I'm sure you're very nice people who truely deserve to have a happy family and any kid would probably be happy to have you as parents. Sadly, Eliot wasn't allowed to really have that chance because God messed up. That's how I feel. I wish I didn't.
Seeing Elliot's story has changed my view of the world, i have long taken everything in my life for granted. Now i know that i should live the life i have been granted and use it to help others. I have recently started working in a group home for the beautiful souls, that need our love. you have shown me that loving for another is the most beautiful thing that we can ever do. Elliot was blessed to have you, and he has shown the world that miracles are possible. Forever in my heart.
Matt & Ginny
You may never know how much your story has touch my heart. We are having trouble having children, but we have not lost our faith in God. Thank you for the way you praised God through each day of Eliot's life. I will continue to pray for you both. Eliot is surely smiling down on us in heaven.
God Bless
Murdocc Saunders
i love this very inspirational and also very sad story, the first time i saw this video was when it showed up in my Godtube subscription email, i watched it and im sure glad i did, i just want to share this story with as many people as i can, this story makes me cry every time i see it and i continue to love Eliot as my own son, may Eliot rest with Jesus forever, God gives. God takes away. May His name be forever blessed.
Matt and Ginny,
What a moving story you have to tell.I just learned about Eliot today in church.The sermon was about life's challenges and they played the video of your family.I don't think there was a dry eye in that sanctuary today.After the video,Tom,from our church band came out front and sang Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton.Again,more damp eyes in the church.I'm sure when you reunite with Eliot he will know your name.
God's Blessings,
St Louis MO
Hi Matt & Ginny,
I just saw your video of Eliot and my heart just broke. What a beautiful boy..my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sallie Moore
A little boy, who never had finer parents and more love than any child could ever hope to get.
For those brief 99 days, he was the luckiest kid on Earth, and you were the luckiest parents, because all 3 of you had each other.
It is my deepest regret that I cannot change places with him, so that he would once again be a physical presence in your life.
No child has ever lived, who was loved as much as yours...
Just saw your story today. May the good lord console you until you meet again. Your sons special job was to get the word out about this disease. Know that God is holding him tight and he is playing with all the other kids free of tubes and stickers.
Many prayers for you two!
I just saw your story and video which was passed on to me from a friend. I am a mother of two children and therefore know the joy and pains that come with being parents. I must say I weeped while watching your video, but it was not tears of sadness but tears of joy! How wonderful it is to know that family's can be together for eternity, and that one day you will see your sweet son again. The time you spent together on this earth was a but a moment of the wonderful eternal time that you will spend together again after this life. You are all in our prayers!
I saw your video today for the first time, which was shared with me by a close friend who is new father. The video touched me in more ways than I can describe, and truly shows the magnitude of God's will at work in our lives. I believe the life, story, and memory of Eliot will serve to bring perspective on life and what is important to thousands (hopefully millions) of people around this world and help to reshape our priorities to see what is really important in our lives. God Bless you and your family!
Dear Matt and Ginny,
You don't know me but I viewed your video tribute to your precious son, Eliot. I was so moved to tears while viewing it. What a precious and wonderful gift from God Eliot was. What an inspiration your story is and a testimony to a loving and merciful God. You will see Eliot again, of this I am sure. His body will be whole and your family will be whole. Bless you both all the days of your life. Thank you for sharing your precious son. God bless.
I saw the video of your beautiful son yesterday and was incredibly moved. I can't think of a better triibute to your son. Anyway, we too recently lost a baby (Sept 21), so kind of know what you two are going through. I was pregnant with twins and one of the babies we found out at 15 weeks had a genetic illness. They told us she would not likely live. But the other baby, Jacob, was completely healthy. Unfortunately, they ended up being born prematurely. Ruby died within the first day, while Jacob was tiny but doing well the phenomally the first month. Then he got a few infections and a pretty bad virus and just went downhill very quickly. We, too, took a lot of pictures while he
was with us, and again, I loved the montage of pictures you shared of your son. He was beyond adorable. Please know that we are praying now that God will give you some comfort. Your story was so inspirational!
Thank you for sharing your son's story. I think about little Eliot everytime I look at my son...now 18 months. He was born with many complications as well and has survived. Raising him has been a challenge and sometimes I would feel angry and cheated when I saw other mother's with their healthy babies that we had missed out. But now I will NEVER feel that again...your story has helped me realize how fortunate we really are. I wish you best of luck with your new little angel.
I was just dot clicking on the internet and came across a bumper sticker on myspace and it was your video. I was moved it brought me to tears. I just wanted to say that i will light a candle and send positive energy to eloit and to the both of you each and every day. Blessed be.
-Jeff Garner
Thank you so much for having the strength and the faith to be able to share your heartwarming story. I was so touched by the joy you found in the short life that the Lord gave to you, Eliot, and your family. Each moment is filled with purpose, and we are sometimes blind to it. God gave you special hearts, and special eyes to see the love and joy he sent to you through your first born son. Keep those wonderful memories close to your heart, always. You and your strength, and your faith are truly an inspiration to all of those who have been touched by Eliot, myself included. Thank you.
Janet and Family
I fell sad for u at laest u r having anothyre child!!
Im sorry for the loss of ur son!Ill keep praying that the next one is blessed and kept safe.
Keep on beleving that hell be safe
:) Anonymous
Hope all goes well for u and ur family good luck in the future :)!!!!!!!!Best wishes Anonymous
Eliot was such a beautiful child. I have a grandaughter on the way and we have been told she will not survive. Like you we are praying for a miracle, but I know that no matter what happens, the Lord will see us all thru. Thank you for the inspiration. I saw you on Oprah, and was so happy to hear you have another beautiful child. I am so happy for you.
It was today sunday january 18, 2008 at
my church when i saw your video of your son ELiot
i was sitting with my friends and none of us couldnt
stop the tears from falling from our faces. Im not old enough to really
understand how to help but when i get older i really want to,
when i got home i prayed that the lord will help you with anything
you need for your family.
My name is ally smith and im 13 years old and I will pray for you and never forget this day and your family
thank you for letting me email you
(my email address is allysmith214@yahoo.com
Hello Matt and Ginny! I just wanted to say I was on plurk, and someone posted this video. I cried. I'm 17 and from Iowa, and wanted to tell you I am praying for your family, these times are rough, but I still wish you all the best! [=
The First time i watched this i cried sooooooo hard. I am soooo sorry.
<>< Jaymie
u were blessed to have him ur lives he was a cute little boy i pray for u and ur family.
i just saw your video and your strength gives me courage and hope. I had my son on March 7, 2009 and we removed all life support on March 13, 2009 when he went to Heaven and got a perfect body and is waiting for his daddy and me. Thank you so much for sharing. You will never know how much it means to me.
I just became a father for the first time a few months ago. She is my world! When I saw your video, I just couldn't contain myself...I cried so hard! I couldn't imagine being in that situtation. It makes me cherish every day, every moment with my little girl. It's really made me open my eyes to all the little miracles children bring to our lives. Sorry for your loss...but thank you for sharing Eliot's story and bringing hope and strength to so many!
Today, the 17th August 2009, I watched Eliot on Oprah here in australia. What a beautiful boy, who God shared with beautiful parents. Thank you for sharing your family with us all. It has touched all our hearts. Regards Bj Austrlia
I cried from beginning to end. You should feel blessed to have known such a beautiful little angel like Eliot. I did't know him but I feel like I loved him too. I have 4 beautiful children of my own & I hugged them all after I saw it on oprah. God Bless YOU both.
May God bless you and your family. I saw a video on your family. I cried and I am still crying. I lost 2 of my kids, and 2 of grandkids. May God bless you and your husband. What you have done takes a lot of courage, and I admire you for that.
hi my name is mandy and i wanted to let you know that your story tohed me very much. i found it on youtube and cried the whole way through. you both are my hero's. and so is elliot. it helped me relize that i am not alone in this world and i am not the only one confused and hurting about loosing their child. i lost my second baby to heart diease when she was 3 months old and i also chereshed every day with her. i am so thankful for the time i had with her. it was really hard but we still pushed through for her. you both are beautiful people. i have been touched. thankyou so much. btw i am also a mooney i married drexel allen mooney son of drexel noel mooney and sally parnell mooney from leakesville mississippi. again thank you . your friend mandy
Hi Matt and Ginny,
Thank you so much for posting the video of Eliot's life on youtube. I have just seen it for the first time, and it brought me to tears. I am not religious in the slightest, but I do believe that if there is a heaven, Eliot will of course be there.
I hope your lives are going well. Take care of yourselves. x
P.S. My name is also Eliot!
dear matt and ginny. my name is amber walker , every other day i see your video of 99 balloones, what faith you had in a loveing father . yesterday i receved an e-mail of yet another child like eliot . her name was sarah grce after her mother. she was bourn with fibral mialgia and her family couldnt hold her without constant pain . so her fauther prayed for jesus to show her his unfailing love . when sarah was 5 she was out side and quickly ran into the house ,grabbed her daddy by the arm and went out side . she then asked . . . .daddy do you smell that? her fauther then spoke and said yes it smells like rain . sarah grace was 7 when she went to be with jesus ,before she died she asked her daddy again . . . .daddy do you smell that , confused her dad said no . she said . . .daddy i smell him ,i smell jesus every time it rains ,every wild flower ,and every gust of wind .
sarah grace wasnt afraid of meeting jesus again. and sarah grace is in heaven with eliot and there being held and loved buy a graceous fauther and savior . . . . i pray for you both everyday and i will rejoice when we see them again when we meet jesus.
hey again matt and ginny , today god has given me a word for you from jeremiah...for i know the plans i have for you declaires the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.plans for a hope and a future....i know this scripture to be true. because its been prooven in my life personaly time and time again. once when i had no hope, once when my dad ad suffered a series of heart attacks, and even now as god calls me into the ministry. may this also be prooven true in your lives as well....
god bless!-amber walker
I cried.
hey matt and ginny , its amber again , pleause fallow my blog . on it is the story of your son ...he was a baby with such joy , i love watching your story . i know it was hard for you , but through lifes pain comes a blessing. your story has touched so manny lives in such a short time. today eliott is playing tag with other kids in heaven . and god is holding him close .
-amber walker
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